The Comtech - 60 Alexandra Terrace Singapore 118502
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The Comtech – 60 Alexandra Terrace Singapore 118502

The Comtech - 60 Alexandra Terrace
The Comtech
60 Alexandra Terrace, Singapore 118502
  • Offers a well-connected and convenient business environment.
  • Also suitable for businesses in logistics, engineering, and related fields.
  • Eateries nearby include a food court.
  • Shopping options like NTUC Fairprice and Cold Storage supermarkets are available.
  • Queensway Shopping Centre provides additional conveniences such as retail and banking services.
Buildings Specification
Description The Comtech, located at 60 Alexandra Terrace,  is a commercial property in District 5. Ideally suited for businesses in the technology, research, or science sectors.
Address 60 Alexandra Terrace, Singapore 118502
Usage / Zone B1 Industrial
Nearest MRT Labrador Park MRT station
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