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2 Bukit Merah Centre, Singapore 159835

2 Bukit Merah Centre, 2 Bukit Merah Centre,  Singapore 159835

2 Bukit Merah Centre,  Singapore 159835

  • This office building offers ample car parking facility and the office space
  • Higher-level enjoy panoramic views of the Singapore skyline.
  • Excellent choice for MNCs to house their backend support office and businesses seeking affordable rental office space close to Singapore CBD.
  • Conveniently accessible via the Bukit Merah Bus Interchange and the Redhill MRT Station.
  • Amenities like fitness centre, meeting facilities, hotels, banks, childcare, pre-school centres, food centres, and eateries.
2 Bukit Merah Centre, Singapore 159835
2 Bukit Merah Centre, Office
2 Bukit Merah Centre, Singapore 159835
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