Key Considerations for Industrial & Commercial Tenants - Corporate Visions
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Key Considerations for Industrial & Commercial Tenants

This guide addresses essential considerations for corporate tenants, particularly regarding the information they should provide to landlords before site visits, and the significance of this exchange for fostering a productive relationship.

Tenant’s information & Requirements:

Company and Profle

Company & Profile:
Demonstrating a strong standing, online presence, or sound financial background enhances negotiation leverage for tenants. Landlords, especially major players like Developers & REITs, seek this information before presenting available units comprehensively.

Business Activites and operation

Business Activities & Operation:
Verifying compliance with zoning regulations, relevant approvals, and ensuring the right tenant mix are crucial for both parties. It sets the foundation for a successful and harmonious lease arrangement


Aligning timelines between landlords and tenants is essential for property selection, considering factors such as property types, JTC, private land, renovation, and delivery deadlines

Technical Requirement

Technical Requirement:
Engaging with tenants’ specific needs, like ground floor preference, high ceilings, direct loading, and well-fitted office units, facilitates a more tailored approach to property offerings.

Business Location

Understanding tenants’ preferred locations allows landlords to offer potential units that may not be listed as vacant, including rarely available spaces in other buildings within their portfolio.

For Tenants Wary of Full Disclosure: 

**Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA):** Tenants can request landlords and property consultants to sign an NDA, ensuring confidentiality while still proceeding with site visits.

**Consultant Assistance:** Incorporation business consultants (lawyers/accountants) can act as intermediaries for tenants not ready to disclose their company name or business activities.

**Parent Company/Overseas Companies:** Tenants can involve their parent company, either local or overseas, to handle engagements with landlords’ representatives, providing added confidence in negotiations.

For inquiries about business space usage and relevant authority approvals, contact:

– Adrian Koh: +65-9688 1177

– Cecilia Chia: +65-9696 5099

For Tenants Wary of Full Disclosure: 

These are specialized units with cost-saving and functional features, including wide corporate frontage, well-fitted offices, warehouses, cleanrooms, and laboratories. Noteworthy ground floor units and high-ceiling business spaces are available, offering the opportunity to join esteemed Fortune 500 companies such as Dyson, Shopee, GRAB, Pfizer, Samsung, Johnson & Johnson.

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