1 Clementi Loop Singapore 129808 - Corporate Visions
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1 Clementi Loop Singapore 129808

1 Clementi Loop Singapore 129808

1 Clementi Loop
Singapore 129808

Buildings Specification
Description 1 Clementi Loop Singapore 129808 is a 6-story Flatted Factory designed for light industrial, warehouse use, and includes ancillary office space.
Chinese Name
Address 1 Clementi Loop Singapore 129808
Usage / Zone Business 1
Nearest MRT Clementi MRT Station
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  • Particularly suitable for companies in the media and info-communication industries.
  • Ceiling Height
    Level 1             : 5.8m
    Level 2             : 4.5m
    Level 3 to 6th : 3.5m
  • Floor Loading
    Level 1                : 15 KN/sqm
    Level 2                : 12.5KN/sqm
    Level 3 to 6th    : 15.0KN/sqm
  • Power : 300 VA/sqm
  • Lift : Passenger 1
    : Cargo 3
  • Loading Bay : 5 with Dock Levellers
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