Xilin Districentre D - 6 Changi South Street 2 , Singapore 486349 - Corporate Visions
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Xilin Districentre D – 6 Changi South Street 2 , Singapore 486349

Xinlin Distrcentre D

Xilin Districentre D
6 Changi South Street 2 , Singapore 486349

Buildings Specification
Description Xinlin Districentre is a 4-story building with warehouses and office spaces. It has a stylish look with a glass dome and has 10 loading and unloading bays.
Chinese Name
Address 6 Changi South Street 2, Singapore 486349
Usage / Zone B2 Industrial
Nearest MRT Expo MRT Station
Disclaimer The material and information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. You should not rely on the material or information on the website as a basis for making any business, legal or any other decisions.
Xilin Districentre Building D, 6 Changi South Street 2 486349
Xilin Districentre Building D, 6 Changi South Street 2 486349

*** The information provided is intended solely for building details ***

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