30 Tuas Avenue 10, Singapore 639150 - Corporate Visions
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30 Tuas Avenue 10, Singapore 639150

30 Tuas Ave 10

30 Tuas Avenue 10, Singapore 639150

Buildings Specification
7-storey warehouse complex with ancillary office and a single storey warehouse
Chinese Name
Address 30 Tuas Avenue 10, Singapore 639150
Usage / Zone B2 Industrial
Nearest MRT Joo Koon MRT Station
Disclaimer The material and information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. You should not rely on the material or information on the website as a basis for making any business, legal or any other decisions.
  • Strategically designed for optimal functionality and efficiency
  • Seamless integration of office and warehouse operations
  • Modern architectural elements for aesthetic appeal
  • Versatile use of space for diverse storage requirements
  • Well-planned layout to enhance workflow and logistics
  • Equipped with advanced technologies for inventory management
  • Ample parking and loading/unloading facilities for convenience
  • Ideal for businesses seeking a comprehensive and adaptable storage solution
30 Tuas Ave 10
30 Tuas Avenue 10
30 Tuas Ave 10
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