Accounting & Financial Management Services; [Experience seamless accounting and financial management services that effortlessly optimize your accounting & financial operations where our specialized and transparent solutions are tailored for newly launched SMEs.]
Carpark Management Services; [Aim to provide carpark management services to property owners who are interested to generate extra revenues from their parking spaces.]
Defects Rectification Management Services; [Aim to assist property owners in identifying defects, recommending methods of rectification, assisting to oversee/ supervise site rectification works & certifying the rectified works.]
Fire Safety Management Services; [Aim to provide Fire Safety Managers to assist property owners to oversee fire safety management, formulate fire emergency plans/ emergency respond plans and conduct annual fire evacuation drills.]
Functionality Tests on M&E Installations; [Aim to assist property owners to check on the functionality of all M&E installations and to identify any parts/ systems which require replacement/ repair/ upgrade prior taking possession of the properties.]
Pre-TOP & Upon TOP Management Services; [Aim to provide strata management services to developers/ sole building owners in preparation to take possession of their properties, assist in handing over of strata units & keys to purchasers, consolidating of defect lists and liaising with the builders on defect rectifications and assist in the management & maintenance of their properties.]
Project Management Services; [Aim to provide property owners in specialized project management services to oversee/ supervise of addition & alteration (A&A) works & fitting-out/ renovation works, quality controls, coordination among various contractors, certify progress claims and ensure projects complete on time & within budgets.]
Reinstatement Works; [Aim to assist property owners in the engagement of respective contractors, planning and execution, overseeing and supervising & ensuring the reinstatement works complete on time and within budgets prior handing over of properties.]
Technical Consultancy Services. [Aim to provide property owners on assessments pertaining to structural integrity, provision of sufficient incoming electrical supply, compliance to fire safety regulations, design planning & feasibility study of addition & alteration (A&A)/ fitting-out/ renovation works & reinstatement works and budget estimations.]