15 Senoko Loop, Singapore 758168 - Corporate Visions

15 Senoko Loop, Singapore 758168

15 Senoko Loop
15 Senoko Loop, Singapore 758168

15 Senoko Loop is a multi storey Industrial building adjacent to the food zone and within food zone buffer. It enjoys excellent connectivity to expressways BKE & SLE, future North South Corridor and Woodlands Checkpoint

Chinese Name
15 Senoko Loop, Singapore 758168
Usage / Zone
B2 Industrial
Nearest MRT
Admiralty MRT Station

The material above is for building information only. The information provided here is for general purposes and should not be relied upon as a basis for any business, legal, or other decisions.

15 Senoko Loop
15 Senoko Loop

Land Area : 263,339 sqft
Gross Floor Area : 446,103 sqft
Floor loading : 2.5-16 KN/sqm
Cargo Lift : 3 (5 tonnes)
Power : 13 MVA
Ceiling Height : 3.8-6.2m

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