Corporate Visions 5B Toh Guan Road East, Singapore 608829
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5B Toh Guan Road East, Singapore 608829

5B Toh Guan Road East Singapore 608829

5B Toh Guan Road East
Singapore 608829

Key features include:

  • High floor loading capacity of up to 30kN/m²
  • Ceiling height of up to 10 meters
  • Open space container parking lots
  • Dedicated loading bays
  • Large floor plates to accommodate business scalability
5B Toh Guan Road East Singapore 608829

5B Toh Guan Road East Singapore 608829
Drive Way

5B Toh Guan Road East Singapore 608829

5B Toh Guan Road East Singapore 608829
Lift Lobby 

5B Toh Guan Road East Singapore 608829

5B Toh Guan Road East Singapore 608829

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